Pinnacle Cart Advanced Order Manager ("AOM") Installation

Pinnacle Cart AOM Installation Guide
  1. Unzip your downloaded product file.
    You should see the following:
    "content" folder

    Upload the content folder directly into your Pinnacle Cart folder on the web server (folder where Pinnacle Cart is installed)
    If you installed your Pinnacle Cart in a subfolder called "store", upload the folder directly to the "/store" folder

  2. Login to your Pinnacle Cart admin panel

  3. From your admin menu, navigate to Apps->Plugins->Miscellaneous Plugins->Advanced Order Manager

  4. Enter your license key and click "submit". In the next screen, click "Install"

  5. Open this file for editing: /content/admin/admin_order.php
    Locate this line in the file:
    <a href="admin.php?p=order_invoice&orders=<?=$oid?>&printing" target="_new"><b>Print Receipt</b></a>

    Immediately BEFORE that line, ADD these lines:
    <a href="admin.php?p=plugin&plugin_id=aom&oid=<?=$oid?>"><b>EDIT ORDER</b></a>
    <!--END SAFETYNET AOM !-->

  6. Congratulations! You are done.

When you are in an individual order detail screen, you will see a link "EDIT ORDER" top right, next to the "Print Order" icon. Click the "EDIT ORDER" link to bring up advanced order editing screen.
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